VIP Pool Care in Naples Florida offers complete pool, spa, fountain and pressure cleaning services to the Grey Oaks community.
We offer special rates for Grey Oaks residents that include:
PLATINUM PLAN: Residential service 2x a week, check chems, brush walls and tiles clean/empty skimmer baskets and vacuum each week, back wash filter every 2 weeks.
GOLD PLAN: Residential service 1 time a week, check chems weekly, brush walls, tiles, clean/empty skimmer baskets as needed, vacuum every other week, back wash filter at least one time a month.
SILVER PLAN: Residential service 1 time a week, check chems weekly, brush walls, tiles, clean/empty skimmer baskets as needed, vacuum once a month, backwash filter at least one time a month.
BRONZE PLAN: Residential service where we only take care of chems, brush walls and tiles. Owner backwashes filter, vacuums pool.
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